More activity in Katanga and in the same time son + daughter leaving the company meant a radical change in the team. It took more than one year but I am very proud to present you our new team!
Karel, our main assembler, is a stable element in the team. Thanks to his critical and perfectionistic attitude the quality of all delivered WAWs satisfies even very demanding customers.

Katka(right) takes care about thousand and one things: stock management, production of pre-assemblies, packing, logistics and others. Her smile and positive attitude are contagious.
Jitka (left) joins us each Wednesday. She is a very pragmatic, efficient and professional accountant with whom solving administration and finances becomes a pleasant task.

Honza (right) is since childhood passionate about HPV and velomobiles. His experience in composite production of air planes and 3D modelling are very welcome skills in Katanga. He manages the velomobile production.
I (left) am still in charge of sales and purchase and share R&D together with Honza. Last but not least, Rico, our company dog, protects all of us against the many intruders.

The WAW sales evolve positively and we reach now WAW430 in the order list. Several new dealers started up:
Bicycle Evolution in Texas, USA
Veloart-intelligence in Osaka, Japan
BikeToTheFuture/Dario Cianni in Les Geneveys sue Coffrane, Switzerland
Dario helps us to develop an electro assisted WAW with generative braking for the mountain regions. Due to the optimal aerodynamics a WAW accelerates very fast going downhill and classical brakes can easily overheat. The Mountain WAW transforms this energy into power that is used to climb the next hill.
We start to build up a nice customer base in East-Austria and middle-Germany. For these markets we are often closer than any other dealer and can as such give the best support. With many of them we entertain excellent relations. Last week-end we visited several customers in Austria and combined work with pleasure:
Our main R&D project today is the development of a completely new sportive velomobile. Progression is sure but slow, because we attach more importance to learning techniques and finding the right partners than to the speed of development. Once we control these skills, we will be able to develop better and faster other projects waiting in the shelve.

One tangible spin-off of this project are several new options for the WAW. We have indeed tested out on carbon WAWs lighter wheels, tubeless easy tires and narrow Rotor cranks in preparation for the new velomobile. The result is really impressive and we are happy to offer these options already for the WAW. Look at our actualized price/option list for Europe and for Export.
The cooperation with Velove did not increase like written in last newsletter. New persons in Velove brought new ideas and instead of moving the complete assembly to Czech Republic we still deliver only partly assembled Armadillos which are finished in Sweden.
Those who expected a new video of a summer trip to France will be disappointed... I was too busy with filling up the empty places in the team and some family matters. David too was busy, seducing my daughter and marrying her 🙂 .
Many thanks to all our customers, partners and other supporters!
Stephane, 9th of April 2019