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UPDATE VM45 project

UPDATE VM45 project

VM45Jul 24 202320 Comments

At previous update we were in the middle of the production of models and forms for the body parts. The biggest, central body part, was milled as last and this was a very critical milestone. Due to the size it was milled in several steps from several blocks of foam which were afterwards glued together. A carrier from wood and steel was built to ...

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UPDATE VM45 project

UPDATE VM45 project

VM45Jan 18 202327 Comments

After two years of intensive research and development, the VM45 is finally close to hit the road! We are actually producing the first body parts and finalizing the production drawings of specific steel parts. By April we should be able to have all parts for the first assembly. We have started the project by studying the legal requirements and ...

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VM45Mar 25 202115 Comments

Katanga started in January 2021 a R&D project needed to produce a new type of LEV: a light bio-hybrid on-road quad, with a range of 200 km thanks to an extreme energy-efficient construction and the use of leg power in addition of the electric power. For simplification, we name it for the moment “VM45”. Such a type of vehicle is today ...

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